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Ines Duclairoir
January 2022
Trinity & Enterprise Islands

All these giants are not alike

We weaved between these giants to Trinity Island, a rock covered in snow and ice, to anchor between the icebergs.

The lights are often dramatic under the clouds

After admiring the penguins sliding on the snow, we take the road south, towards Entreprise Island.

It's a dead calm morning, under the sun watching the whales go by and avoiding the sleeping ones.

We dock in a cove where an old stranded whaler serves as a marina for the few sailboats in the area.

Here we can stretch our legs in the snow

The landscapes here change as icebergs drift, melt and flip

It hardly ever gets dark at this time

Lenticularis are not uncommon in this region

The terns are the regulars of this place

We were alone there admiring the icebergs and the whales until the captain of the Boréal de Ponant came to greet us with a bottle of red wine and some French cheeses to warn us that some “tourists” were going to pass by in a zodiac and kayak. We greeted passers-by and tested the kayak ride ourselves with the one on board. Anecdotally, one of the guides was Matthieu Tordeur the French explorer whom we greeted!

A sledding session later, we see a 19m Swan approaching our refuge, a Belgian on a world tour, a chic sailor, smoking a cigar, accompanied by his Argentinian friends and his daughters. Human encounters are as curious and friendly as those of the local fauna!

The whales come to wander in the bay near the shore

While waiting for a gust of wind to pass, we stay a little longer to glean in the sun in this makeshift shelter where the icebergs rub against the hull of the boat from time to time.

Today it is Irish people on a charter who have joined our boat for shelter.
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